Jumat, 24 September 2010

It's Ten.

It is late night.
Date 24th to 25th.
I just wanna say, Even you're too sensitive or doesn't realise what date it is today, but it's okay. I love you.
Happy 24th love, and it means we've been ten month our togetherness until now.
I love you for real and I know exactly how it feels.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Things To Remember

Goals on May until June :

- Have a new life (LOL ;p)
- Another busy activity

Aaah but sometimes I miss my activity-on-high-school.
woke up early for waking up someone :s , giving my special breakfast and I didn't eat it :') xixi, went to canteen when lesson is on-the-air, mirror mirror and comb hahaha, or taken photo to remember our special moment, playing card everydaaaay oh I miss it so badly ;'-(


Touring touring! @iloveyoucafe

Social one :')


Minggu, 09 Mei 2010


I've been thought all day long,
On 24th May, We've been half years being involved like this
I don't understand how it could be.
Just rewind on November rainy-day when you gave me a chocolate then say, I love you, would you be mine? Oh god. Erase it okay?
Then memorizing it, and look up on February 13th when you broke our relationship with unlogic reaseon and yes it was over as you wish.
But now, why everything was so confusing? :x

Senin, 19 April 2010

Proud of Me

Haha when you've read maybe you'll think that I am sooo over-confident?
But, it was what I feel yesterday.
For the first time, I am proud of being my self.
When I looked up my laptop then I read that I pass the test of ITB!
Oh my god, it was so amazing and unbeliveable. Like a dream comes true
The answers from God for what I want when I pray everyday

No. Peserta PMBP-ITB 2010 anda : "108510185"
Anda dinyatakan dapat diterima di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD)

Pada tahun kedua, anda akan dijuruskan ke Program Studi Seni Rupa, Kriya, Desain Interior, Desain Komunikasi Visual, atau Desain Produk, berdasarkan minat, tempat yang tersedia, dan prestasi yang anda capai di tahun pertama

Calon mahasiswa yang bersangkutan diharuskan melaksanakan konfirmasi kelulusannya dengan cara melunasi Biaya Pendidikan di Muka (BPM) yang telah dijanjikan, paling lambat tanggal 14 Mei 2010.

Calon mahasiswa yang telah melaksanakan konfirmasi kelulusannya, diharuskan melaksanakan sendiri (tidak dapat diwakilkan) kegiatan Pendaftaran Awal Mahasiswa Baru ITB, pada tanggal 16 Juni 2010. Tata cara dan Jadwal Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Awal Mahasiswa Baru ITB 2010 akan disampaikan setelah tanggal 14 Mei 2010.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Back To The Street

Just thinking a while and the realize, but the only words which appears only why, why and why.
so I gazed to the sky and read the messages everytime, like a stupid person.
WHY? It's so unconditional if I asked him why. He didn't know exactly what the answers. And I just could waiting him, and still waiting until now, until he decided what he wants.
Lord, you know the answer is, so please guide me to let me know what the answer is. Don't make me sad too much again, it's hurt enough.
Altough I don't know why he is so kind to me right now, but I still hesitate.
Doubt and trust, what do you wanna choose?

Kamis, 08 April 2010


Two heads, two characters, two personalities.
Hm.. I don't know what on his minds,and why he always used his emotion to solve all problems of us?
He can be rude, but he can be sweets too
He said he doesn't care anymore, but he always want to know where and how am I.
I don't know exactly what he wants, sure.
So, release or survive? RELEASE!

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Other Decision

Failed, and failed again.
When I've made one decision with any consideration, at least, failed again!
I know, He always hurts me. He doesn't love me anymore (but I'm not sure).
He much happier with her, then I think I just like a disgusting insect who disturb their lovelife.
But, I'm not ready to release him, I'm still so into him.

I've found this quotations, and I love it very much :

"When I say 'I Love You' its not because I want you or because I cant have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand clarity exactly what and who you are."

Yes, its all about you, just you.
I'm (still) in love with you.